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How to Assess Your Company’s Data Maturity Level?

Written by Núria Emilio | May 22, 2024 9:32:36 AM

In the digital age, mastery of data has become a critical differentiator for companies seeking a competitive advantage.

The famous quote ‘Whoeve owns the information, owns the world’ comes from a reality: having data is no longer enough; the real value comes from knowing how to use it strategically. It is important to remember that data is not information and information is not insights.

Raw data has enormous potential, but it must be carefully extracted and refined to unlock its true value.

Beyond recognising the importance of data, businesses require a well-defined data strategy. The absence of a structured approach can lead to disparities in data maturity levels between departments, creating information silos and hindering the company's ability to act in a unified and effective manner.

Introduction to the Data Maturity Model

How do we ensure that we are maximising the value of our data?

Data maturity models are crucial in this process and have become an increasingly prevalent tool among market-leading companies. These models offer a robust framework that not only assesses an organisation's current data management competency, but also provides a clear roadmap for future development.

This article will explore the different levels of a data maturity model, their importance and how to implement them to optimise strategies and operations. Through a structured assessment, we will show how to transform data into a driver of business growth and innovation, ensuring informed decisions aligned with the strategic goals of our organisation.

A Guide for CDOs and Data Officers: Data Maturity Model

Find out what level of data maturity your company is at with our guide ‘What level of data maturity is your company at? A guide for CDOs and data officers’. This guide will provide you with the tools and knowledge you need to assess and improve data management in your organisation.

Download it now and take your company to the next level!


What is data maturity?

Data maturity refers to the level at which an organisation is able to manage and exploit its data effectively. It involves not only having access to large volumes of data, but also the ability to integrate, analyse and convert that data into data-driven decisions.

A company's data maturity is not defined by the possession of advanced technology, such as business intelligence tools, but by how that data is used to support strategic and operational decisions.

According to HPE Data, the average level of data maturity in enterprises is 2.6 out of 5, indicating that many are still in the early stages of fully understanding and utilising their data.

An organisation with low data maturity often lacks awareness of the importance of data or does not have a defined strategy for its collection, storage and effective use. In contrast, high data maturity is characterised by the active collection of data and its use to continuously improve business operations.

Defensive and Offensive Uses of Data

In addition, data maturity also involves recognising and balancing defensive and offensive approaches to data management. Defensive approaches focus on identifying cost savings and mitigating risks, while offensive approaches seek to capitalise on opportunities, such as identifying new customer trends, improving consumer insight and developing new business relationships.

Data maturity: a holistic process

It is crucial to understand that improving maturity in data management and processing is a process that must involve the entire organisation, not just the IT department or data specialists. The evolution towards greater data maturity requires an enterprise-wide commitment to transform data into a strategic asset that drives innovation and sustained success by developing a data-driven culture.

What is a data maturity model?

A Data Maturity Model (DMM) is a framework for assessing the development of a company's capabilities in the management and processing of data, as well as its use for maximum benefit. Through this assessment, each company can be positioned in various progressive stages to determine its degree of maturity in this area.

How does a data maturity model work?

To identify exactly where a company is in the data maturity model, it is crucial to review how data is used within the organisation.

How data is produced and exploited, who uses it and how it impacts decision-making are indicative of the current maturity level.

Effective integration of processes, people and technology is fundamental to achieving higher degrees of data maturity.

Stages of a data maturity model

Data maturity is an evolutionary process that takes an organisation from data illiteracy to advanced data literacy, positioning the organisation as a data-driven company. This journey can be visualised as a series of progressive stages, with each phase representing a deeper level of integration and leveraging of data in the daily activities of the enterprise.

From simple data collection to advanced data analysis and real-time data-driven decision making, each stage is crucial for growth and adaptation in an increasingly data-driven marketplace.

Why is it important to measure a company's data maturity?

In short, measuring your company's data maturity will help you answer questions, help you understand where you are and help you move to new steps for greater data leverage.

How do you know if your company is truly realising the value of its data? The only way is through analysis. 

Downloadable guide: What level of data maturity does your company have?

Our guide ‘What level of data maturity is your company at? A Guide for CDOs and Data Officers’ has the answers. With this guide, you will get the essential tools and knowledge to assess and optimise data management in your organisation.

Don't wait any longer! Download it now and take your company's data management to the next level.


Strategic impact of data maturity

Companies with a high level of data maturity can not only improve their sales and customer experience, but also innovate and optimise their internal processes. Measuring data maturity allows you to identify not only how employees at all levels use data, but also how that data drives organisational performance. 

Benefits of evaluating data maturity

Companies need to analyse where they are in the management and use of their data to identify the benefits they are generating, understand the current limitations and risks, and put in place the necessary measures to transform themselves into a data-driven company.

Clear diagnosis of the current situation:

  • You will discover at what stage of maturity in data management your company is at, which is essential to assess the current level of data management.
  • You will understand how current practices align with ideal standards, establishing a clear starting point for improvement.
  • You will identify areas for improvement in your current model.

Strategic planning for moving forward:

  • You will pinpoint the key actions to reach advanced levels of data management effectiveness.
  • You will be able to draw a clear roadmap that will steer your business towards constant improvement of your data management skills.

Strategic data optimization:

  • You will bring your data resources and skills in sync with your overall business objectives, thereby driving value from your data investments for more effective decision making and increased competitiveness.

Examples of Data Maturity Models

Deciding on the ‘best’ data maturity model may depend on the specific needs, structure and objectives of each organisation. However, some models are widely recognised and used in a variety of industries for their effectiveness and adaptability. 

However, below we present some of the most recognized data maturity models:

  1. Gartner's Data Maturity Model:

    • This model is widely recognized for assisting organizations in assessing their data management capabilities across five levels of maturity. It provides a comprehensive perspective that spans from initial data collection to optimization and data-driven innovation.
  2. Data Management Maturity (DMM) Model:

    • Developed by the CMMI Institute, this model offers a detailed framework for enhancing data management, ensuring that processes are consistent and repeatable across all levels of the organization. It proves to be particularly beneficial for companies looking to formalize their data operations and strategies.
  3. DAMA International's Data Maturity Model (DAMA-DMBOK):

    • Based on DAMA International's Data Management Body of Knowledge (DMBOK), this model focuses on best practices and standards for effective data management. It encompasses areas such as data governance, data quality, data protection, and other critical aspects.
  4. TDWI Data Maturity Model:

    • The Data Warehousing Institute's (TDWI) model assesses the maturity of a company's business intelligence and data management programs. It focuses on data quality, intelligence, and integration to support effective business decision-making.
  5. IBM’s Data Governance Maturity Model:

    • This model highlights data governance as a vital component of data maturity. It is beneficial for companies looking to align their data strategies with regulatory and compliance requirements.

Each of these models has its own strengths and may be more suitable for certain types of companies or industries. Choosing the right model should be based on an assessment of your organisation's specific needs, your long-term goals and your existing data management structure. Effective implementation of any data maturity model requires organisational commitment and adaptations as business needs evolve.

How to measure your company's data maturity level?

Measuring a company's data maturity level is a structured process that entails a comprehensive evaluation of how data is handled across various areas and levels of the organization.

What level of data maturity is your company at?

At Bismart, we have taken advantage of our extensive experience and expertise of more than 15 years in data management and data analytics to create a model that allows us to assess the maturity level of companies in the management and processing of their data.

This model has been designed with the objective of assisting other companies in the systematic evaluation and improvement of their data management and data exploitation capabilities.