Kale Blog

How to Attract and Retain Customers: A Guide for Businesses

Por: Núria Emilio | Jan 5, 2023 10:30:00 AM

When it comes to running a successful business, one of the most important tasks is creating opportunities to sell your products or services. Every successful business needs to be able to generate leads, close sales, and build relationships with customers. In short, to attract and retain customers.

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Top 5 Customer-Centric Insights

Por: Núria Emilio | Jun 2, 2022 10:13:26 AM

Is your company customer-centric?Your first impulse will probably be to say yes. Yes, it is. Of course it is. Your company works for the customer. Everything you do is for the customer and, well... without the customer, your company is nothing. But is it really?

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Top 10 Strategies to Build Customer Loyalty

Por: Núria Emilio | Apr 21, 2022 2:56:28 PM

The development of customer loyalty strategies is one of the most profitable customer-centric techniques in business. However, building customer loyalty is not an easy task, especially in a context of supply growth. We discuss the top 10 best strategies for building customer loyalty.

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