Blog de Bismart, Data Analysis, Business Intelligence, IA, Big Data

Bismart's most selfless side

Written by Maria Gorini | Dec 28, 2017 11:00:00 PM

Bismart is a company with a strong commitment to social rights and their environment. That is the reason why we have put our heart and soul into our solutions focused on detecting segments of the population at risk of exclusion, such as Smart Social Home Care for Aging Population. With this solution we work so that it is not the people with difficulties who have to ask for help, but rather the government which can detect difficult situations and can solve them before those affected decide to go to social services.

In the same way, we bet on a system that allows people who do not know they can ask for help or how to do it, access the service. In other words, we want to move from a reactive approach, for which aid is only given to those who ask for it, to a proactive approach, which would make it possible to allocate resources more fairly to the people who need it the most. This way we will avoid poverty situations that result from ignorance, shame or any impediment to process an application.

With this, organizations and entities dedicated to the attention of vulnerable groups will also benefit. Until now, the resources were given to the entities that requested it the most. In this new way, entities and organizations will receive funds according to their needs and real impact on society.

At Bismart we believe in the importance of working with all possible actors so that, together, we can reach our goal sooner. For this reason we organized, in June, an event called "Big Data Saves Lives" with people in charge of social rights from city councils of Catalonia, charities, managers of supply companies and more. There we discussed the positive impact that technology can have in the social field and we could verify the willingness on the part of all of us to work together to improve attention to people in situations of vulnerability.

In that event, the will of all those involved to bet on technology in order to reach the groups that need it most in an easy and effective way was clear. The round tables ended with a strong commitment to work together to achieve that, starting with defining the problems and solutions, and then drawing up an action plan.

That is why this year we decided that our Christmas team building activity should also reflect our commitment. Thus, we have created a videoclip imitating a scene from the well-known musical La La Land and for each visit that the video receives, a donation will be made to the Fundación Acción, Bienestar y Desarrollo. In addition, for each visit, Bismart will make a contribution of 10 cents. We believe that this is a fun way to involve the entire Bismart team to carry out an altruistic activity.

Fundación Acción, Bienestar y Desarrollo is a charity (NGO) that looks after the welfare and quality of life of citizens, especially those who are at risk of social exclusion. Its mission is to contribute to the well-being of people through social inclusion, health, education and employability.

We share the values ​​that the Fundación Acción Bienestar y Desarrollo wants to promote, which are social commitment, innovation, integrity, professionalism, complementarity and transparency. That is why we have chosen it as the charity that will receive the full amount generated by visits to our video.

As a company we believe that we must take advantage of our potential to generate a positive impact on society. An impact that we can expand by collaborating with associations such as the Fundación Acción, Bienestar y Desarrollo.

We wanted to ask you to help us raise all possible funds for this charity. With a single click we can improve the lives of many people. If you want to have a greater impact, share the video with everyone you know and send them our message.