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eldcare Friendly Reminders and Fall Alerts: Bismart and ABD's project

Written by Maria Gorini | Aug 28, 2018 10:00:00 PM

In 2050, 30% of the population will be over 65. A population such as this requires great spending on health and social care, and innovative solutions must therefore be found so that these services can cope with the difficulties posed by an ageing population. Technology offers many possibilities for meeting the challenges of the demographic composition of the future. However, we must bear in mind that the digital skills of older people are currently limited and create solutions that are adapted to their knowledge.

The main problems of this population group are chronic diseases, comorbidity and loneliness.

For this reason, Bismart has teamed up with the ONG ABD to create a system that meets the situation of the elderly.

eldcare Friendly Reminders is the perfect solution for older people who live alone and need constant care. eldcare Friendly Reminders offers reminders and messages that are programmed specifically according to the recipient's cognitive level. eldcare is a device that is installed in the home of the elderly person and through which the social worker can communicate with them. The assistant records the messages personally, so that the older person recognizes the voice and can feel accompanied.

This device can reduce absenteeism from appointments with social and health services, increase adherence to medical treatment, and reduce accidents, such as fires or floods, and intrusions.

In addition to loneliness and chronic illness, there are other serious problems for older people, such as falls. The following image shows several statistics about falls and how they can affect health.

That's why our device offers the option of adding Fall Alerts, a set of cameras and sensors that allows you to detect falls and alert the emergency services if necessary. Fall Alerts detects the person standing and moving and, if they fall, it loses contact with the person and an alarm or warning is triggered.eldcare Friendly Reminders can also detect when lights are left on too long and alert the person at home.

eldcare Friendly Reminders can be adapted to the person's cognitive abilities and digital level, so it is a system that will evolve as people with more technological capabilities grow older.

With this device, the elderly can be monitored and "teletreated", which is a great economic relief for social and health services and families.