Kale Blog

Why Should You Invest in Salestech and What Tools Are Better?

Por: Núria Emilio | Aug 25, 2022 10:00:00 AM

Digitalization has transformed consumer habits and, consequently, the work of companies' sales teams. Today, a large part of the purchasing process takes place in the digital environment. As a result, companies need to invest in technologies specifically designed to optimize sales. We talk about Salestech and the key technologies in the industry.

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What Is Customer Scoring and How Does It Work?

Por: Núria Emilio | Aug 26, 2021 9:15:00 AM

Customer scoring emerged as a technique in the banking sector used to establish which customers should be granted a loan. However, in recent years its application in marketing has proliferated, turning into the preferred form of customer segmentation to increase customers' economic value.

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