Kale Blog

The Value of Data for E-commerce Companies

Por: Núria Emilio | Jul 21, 2022 10:00:00 AM

Experts have been repeating that "data is the new oil" for more than ten years now and while the mantra was already true ten years ago, it is now more so than ever, especially for e-commerce companies. 

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3 Ways to Create a Personalised Customer Experience With a CDP

Por: Núria Emilio | Jan 13, 2022 11:34:37 AM

A Customer Data Platform (CDP) is an essential technology for building personalised and effective customer experiences. We explain how a CDP can help you build more satisfying, relevant and personal customer experiences and show you 3 ways you can personalise the customer experience using a CDP.

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What Is a Customer Data Platform (CDP) And Why Do You Need One to Be Customer-Centric?

Por: Núria Emilio | Jan 7, 2022 10:54:47 AM

In a context where more and more organisations are striving to be customer-centric and where customer expectations are constantly increasing, Customer Data Platform (CDP) has become an essential tool to carry out the transformation process, as well as to meet clients' new needs. 

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