Kale Blog

The Importance of Content Marketing in Digital Strategy

Por: Núria Emilio | Mar 7, 2024 12:00:00 PM

In today's digital age, content marketing has become a crucial element for companies aiming to stand out in an increasingly competitive and digitized market. It involves creating, distributing, and promoting valuable and relevant content to attract, engage, and retain a specific audience. In this article, we will delve into the significance of content marketing in a company's digital strategy and[...]

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Smart Data Marketing: Transform Your Data Into Better Results

Por: Núria Emilio | Feb 2, 2023 10:30:00 AM

As companies move towards a stage of maturity in terms of harnessing customer data, Big Data strategies are giving way to Smart Data strategies. In marketing, gathering useful data that answers the right questions is the key to better marketing results

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Marketing Intelligence: What Is It and How to Apply It?

Por: Núria Emilio | Oct 14, 2021 9:49:08 AM

Nowadays executives have more information than ever before. But so do customers, which adds to the need for competent and innovative marketing and business strategies. Thus, marketing intelligence can be the key to success in an increasingly competitive environment.

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What Is an Insight? Business Insights and Insight Marketing

Por: Núria Emilio | Jul 22, 2021 10:00:00 AM

The term 'insight' has become very popular in the business environment and especially in marketing, advertising and business intelligence. However, there is still some confusion about what an insight is, what it is used for and how companies use it.

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Data-Driven Marketing: How to Accelerate Business Through Data?

Por: Núria Emilio | Jul 16, 2021 9:59:16 AM

Marketing is rapidly moving towards digitalisation and the exploitation of technology. Data-driven marketing is now much more than just a marketing discipline and practically all marketing strategies are already data-driven.

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