5 Essential Customer-Centric Posts of 2021

Written by Núria Emilio | Dec 30, 2021 9:46:03 AM

Interested in why customer-centricity is positioning itself as one of the most important business strategies of the moment? We tell you all about it through the 5 most read posts of our blog in 2021!

It has been 9 months since we started this great adventure. As we explained in our presentation article, Kale was born from a powerful idea that has not stopped growing so far.

The idea behind it all: the customer is the centre of everything and, therefore, in order to achieve better results, companies must stop focusing on their products and focus on the customer and his or her needs. In other words, becoming customer-centric.

We started this journey talking about customer-centricity, but the ride has led us to explore many other topics that, although related to the customer-centric perspective, deserve their own chapters. 

Let's review the 5 most read posts on our blog in 2021!


1. Customer Centricity: What Does Being Customer-Centric Company Mean?

Starting at the beginning, in this article we explained what the customer-centric philosophy is, why it is in the sights of the world's major companies and how it is applied.

In addition, in the article we review some of the first benefits organisations notice when they become customer-centric.

2. 6 Reasons Why Customer Experience Is Important and 7 Keys to Improve It

In this post we explored the reasons why the customer experience is a fundamental aspect of any customer strategy. Increasingly, customers value the experience they have when they enter into a relationship with a brand. In the 21st century, it is no longer just the quality of the product or service we offer that matters, it is also crucial that, at every stage of the purchasing process, consumers enjoy an optimal experience. 

In addition to being one of the main factors that affect customer satisfaction, caring for the customer experience is an opportunity for organisations to optimise their business. How and why?

1. Promotes active listening to the voice of the consumer

When a company begins to focus on the experience of its customers at every touch point, they are inevitably listening to the voice of the customer (VoC) actively. In other words, analysing in depth everything the customer has to say with the purpose of making changes. Listening to drive change is one of the best ways to provide customers with better experiences.

2. Customer retention

Based on the above, taking care of the customer experience increases customer satisfaction levels and, consequently, increases customer retention rates.

3. Boost the acquisition of new customers and multiply revenue

According to a Nielsen study, 91% of consumers trust recommendations from acquaintances more than advertising content. In this sense, taking care of the customer experience which in turn has an impact on the level of customer satisfactioncan help to acquire new customers. Satisfied customers are more likely to recommend a brand, product or service to an acquaintance. 

In addition, Forbes confirms that businesses that implement customer experience strategies generate 4-8% more revenue than their competitors.

4. Better marketing campaigns and strategies

Active listening to the voice of the customer and the change of perspective it generates in the business ecosystem fosters the creation of more effective marketing strategies, actions, plans and campaigns. 

5. Increases average ticket value

In addition to increasing revenue, Forbes also reports that loyal customers are up to 5 times more likely to buy more products and make more purchases.

Therefore, by providing better customer experiences, satisfying customers and building customer loyalty, we can expand the value of their purchases and generate more revenue.

6. Differentiating from the competition

Creating innovative customer experiences as a method of differentiation is one of today's leading tactics. Differentiation and innovation no longer apply only to products or services, but also to experiences.

Want to know how to improve your customers' experience?

3. Buyer Persona in the Era of Digital Marketing

Creating a buyer persona is one of the first steps to take in order to become a customer-centric company and start to get to know our customers better. The buyer persona method has been part of the business ecosystem for a long time, as it helps companies to empathise more with their audience, to better define and think about their offer, to design specific actions for specific customers and, ultimately, to increase their sales, customer acquisition and profits.

What exactly is a buyer persona and how to create one? Find out in this post!

4. Top 10 Habits of Customer-Centric Companies According to Gartner

Gartner is one of the world's leading technology and business consultancies. In this post we review what, according to the company, are the 10 most common habits of customer-centric companies and, therefore, what companies must do to start their transformation.

In this more practical side of customer-centrism, we also explain the most common challenges that organisations face when they decide to put the customer at the centre of the organisation. Spoiler alert: they all have a solution! 

Discover the 10 most common practices of a customer-centric company!

5. Customer Journey: What Is It and How to Build It?

We end this tour as we should: with the customer journey. 

The customer journey is another of the main focal points of any customer strategy. At Kale we have our own methodology for analysing and optimising the customer journey.

In addition, we have explained what the customer journey is and how to build it in our blog. Find out what an effective customer journey should be like!

In the mood for more?

In Kale's blog you will find new articles every week. We focus on customer strategies, data-driven transformation and all those trends that have to do with extracting value from customer data to optimise our commercial value, redesign our brand or obtain better business results.

How to put it into practice?

Check out all our services and find out how we can help you boost your organisation through data and customer strategies.