5 Steps You Should Follow After Measuring the Customer Experience

Written by Núria Emilio | Mar 24, 2022 10:10:40 AM

Using a customer experience measurement tool can help us improve the experience we offer our customers, increase our retention rate, attract more customers and, ultimately, increase sales. What should we do after measuring our customer experience?

In our last publication we reflected on the importance of measuring the customer experience and went through the most useful marketing tools to find out how our clients value our customer experience.

You will find everything you need to know to properly measure the customer experience in the e-book "Customer Experience Measurement Tools: NPS, CES, CSAT, Churn Rate and LTV".

In that post we focused on the most useful methodologies and metrics to quantify our customers' level of satisfaction when it comes to the customer experience we are offering them.

However, measuring the customer experience should do more for us than just finding out what our customers think. Even though knowing what our customers think is always useful, companies measure their CX for a bit more than just that. 

So, once we know our customer experience score, what should we do? Obviously, writing down the result in a spreadsheet or report and waiting for it to improve over time is not the right answer.  

Here are the 5 steps you should follow after measuring the customer experience.

The 5 steps you should follow after measuring the customer experience

Measuring the customer experience or, in other words, transforming customer feedback into a score, is one of the best ways to optimise the customer experience.

Obviously, in order to improve something, we must first find out where we are. In the case of the customer experience, this means knowing what our customers think.

However, we should not stop there. Knowing what customers think about the experience we offer them should become a customer intelligence exercise that provides us with the marketing insights we need to develop marketing intelligence strategies.  

1. Transform results into actions

We should not be satisfied with just knowing whether our customers are pleased with the experience we provide them with. We must transform the information into concrete actions that will help us to improve the results. If we detect that one or more customers have given us a low score, we must communicate with them as soon as possible to find out the reasons for the low score and try to solve them immediately, as well as develop actions to prevent poor scores from recurring in the future.

2. Don't overlook the silence

When we use any of the CX measurement metrics NPS, CES, lifetime value (LTV), etc. what we are doing is asking our customers what they think about us or about any of the aspects related to our brand and service. These types of questions are usually formalised through surveys that we send to all or most of our clients. 

Therefore, it is very common to put all our attention on the answers we have obtained without even considering the information that the answers we have not obtained give us. A non-response is also a response. The fact that a large number of the customers have not wanted to reply may be a sign that they are unhappy with our brand or that they are simply no longer interested. We should never ignore customers who have not participated in our survey. On the contrary, we should try to find out why they have not even wanted to express their opinion and try to take action so that they do not become lost customers.  

3. Segment customers

Some of the most common CX measurement tools classify customers based on how they have rated the experience, the service or one of our products. However, if we want to go deeper into the information obtained, we can carry out our own customer segmentation. In other words, we can segment customers into groups according to the score they have given us. 

By doing so, we will have a better understanding of what customers think and we will be able to design specific actions and strategies for each customer segment.

4. Monetise results

Beyond determining whether our customer experience is appropriate or not, it is also interesting to analyse the revenue that our customer experience is providing us with in relation to its score. In other words, something similar to customer scoring.

If 70% of our customers have rated our experience very positively, but, on the other hand, they bring us minimal profit, we should worry. Moreover, by monetising the results we could also detect that some of our most profitable customers have rated us negatively and, therefore, we should reach them first.

On the other hand, it is also interesting to calculate our customers' churn risk. In other words, transforming the results into our probability of losing customers. Take a look at the example:

Segment Churn Risk Segment weight Profitability
Satisfied 6% 33% 38%
Highly satisfied 2,1% 25% 19%
Unsatisfied 36% 20 9%
Highly unsatisfied 67% 22% -16%


5. Don't forget about satisfied customers

Paying attention to customers who have given us negative ratings is just as important as paying attention to those who have given us good ratings. Never forget that a satisfied customer is your best business opportunity.

In the same way that we recommend transforming negative ratings into corrective actions, we recommend transforming positive ratings into loyalty strategies, sales opportunities or any type of action that encourages turning customer satisfaction into value. 


Measuring the customer experience can bring us a great benefit if we know how to use the information obtained to improve both the customer experience and other aspects of our business, as well as transforming the results into go-to market actions.

Learn more about how to measure customer experience, which tools to use and how to calculate the results in our free e-book: "Customer experience measurement tools: NPS, CES, CSAT, Churn Rate and LTV".