Kale Blog

10 Key Customer Behavior Trends 2023

Por: Núria Emilio | Jun 1, 2023 10:57:59 AM

In 2023, the consumer landscape and customer behavior has changed dramatically. What should companies do to adapt to the new ecosystem? We review the top 10 marketing and customer behavior trends that companies need to consider.

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How Much Data Do I Need to Know My Customers?

Por: Núria Emilio | May 5, 2022 10:59:47 AM

Nowadays, knowing the customer is one of companies' major concerns. However, many corporations make the mistake of thinking that they need a lot of data to know their customers a lot, which is usually not true.

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Top Marketing Challenges in 2021

Por: Núria Emilio | Feb 24, 2022 10:55:01 AM

According to a new research, measuring and reporting return on investment (ROI) has been the biggest challenge marketers have faced in 2021. Marketing professionals also complain about the lack of insights they have on their clients' customer journey. We review the top marketing challenges in 2021 and how to solve them.

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The Importance of Knowing the Customer: Big Data vs Smart Data

Por: Núria Emilio | Jul 29, 2021 9:00:00 AM

Business intelligence has long been established as the Holy Grail of business strategy and decision making. However, what is exactly business intelligence and how does it relate to the new hyper-digitised environment and new customer consumption habits?

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