Artificial intelligence, content marketing and omnichannel customer experiences are among the big trends defining the consumer ecosystem in 2023.

10 Key Customer Behavior Trends 2023

In 2023, the consumer landscape and customer behavior has changed dramatically. What should companies do to adapt to the new ecosystem? We review the top 10 marketing and customer behavior trends that companies need to consider.

comportamiento del consumidor y nuevos modelos de consumo en 2023

Since 2020, companies' digital transformation to data-driven companies and the changes in consumer behavior have advanced incredibly fast

In 2023, technology has an even greater impact on customer behavior, shaping client's preferences and consumption habits, especially in terms of purchasing modalities. 

These changes can become opportunities for those companies that are able to adapt to the new consumption ecosystem, focusing on customer experience and customer relationships

Below, we review the 10 major trends that are shaping customers behavior in 2023: from trends linked to digital marketing and content marketing, to new modalities in the purchasing process.

In addition, we have created an e-book with the 30 keys that companies must follow to adapt to the new consumption model.

Download e-book

Top 10 customer behavior trends in 2023

1. The rise of interactive content

In 2022, the consumer market saw the emergence of new trends linked to digital marketing and content creation. Among them, interactive content has emerged as the marketing strategy of the moment, proving to be highly effective for customer acquisition, customer loyalty and differentiation.

  • 88% of marketers believe that interactive content plays a major role in differentiating their brands. - Content Marketing Institute (CMI).
  • Interactive content generates 52.60% more engagement, which confirms consumers' preference for this type of content. - Content Marketing Institute (CMI).

Interactivity remains one of the key trends in 2023. Interactive content helps companies deliver a differentiated customer experience to their audience, giving consumers the power to choose how they consume that content and thus generating a greater connection between brands and their audience.

2. The Tiktokization of everything

In 2022, TikTok became a sensation, becoming much more than a technology or a social media platform. The always trending social network has transformed content consumption preferences, positioning its format as a general trend beyond the medium. 

In 2023, TikTok is not only still very much on trend, but keeps on shaping people's preference for short videos.

The impact of the social network is such that people are already talking about the "tiktokization" of other platforms and content. Instagram, for example, has prioritized video with Reels, adopting the aesthetics of TikTok. YouTube has also recognized the short video trend and launched YouTube Shorts, with the goal of helping content creators engage their audience with shorter videos.

The app has made such an impact that it is already catching up with Google in terms of searches.

  • 40% of Generation Z prefers to search for information on TikTok instead of using Google or Google Maps. - Google.

At this point, marketing professionals can no longer ignore TikTok and they must be up to date with the new features that the social network introduces from time to time.

3. Consumers continue to prefer quality content

According to research conducted by Google, 87% of respondents say that good content is personalized and relevant. In other words, users prefer content that quickly provides them with what they are looking for, delivering value and providing a satisfactory customer experience.

  • Google users define "quality content" as content that is relevant, intellectually and sensorially stimulating, and connects with their emotions. - Google.

Today, creating content on a regular basis without a defined strategy or without providing added value is no longer enough. Brands must strive to make their content useful to users, in addition to establishing a strong connection with their customers by offering content that fosters a sense of belonging to a community.

4. Personalization is still a trend

One of the most prominent impacts of technology on customer experience is personalization. Especially after the rise of artificial intelligence and new machine learning models like Chat GPT, customers now expect to be met with a personalized customer experience.

In 2023, organizations must leverage the rise of AI and machine learning to provide customers with personalized experiences that match their needs, tastes and preferences. This may involve product recommendations tailored to their interests, personalized content and even special offers based on their previous behavior.

5. Automate to succeed

Automation has been used for years in severalindustries to streamline processes and reduce costs.

However, in 2023, automation is already a common trend beyond the sectors that have historically leveraged it the most. Now, the trending marketing automation tools are those that automate marketing tasks and processes, in addition to those dedicated to customer service and streamlining the purchasing and product delivery process.

In short, automation is a key resource that companies should take advantage of to gain efficiency in their operations, investing fewer resources.

6. Data security

The debate over privacy in the digital environment, the end of third-party cookies and growing concerns about the use of consumer data have significantly impacted the marketing industry.

  • According to a recent report, 70% of consumers are concerned about how companies use their data. - Adobe.

According to the study, 67% of respondents say they will stop buying from brands that do not handle their data properly.

Therefore, by 2023, companies can no longer ignore customers' privacy concerns and must take data protection policies very seriously.

Customers who trust a brand tend to recommend it to their friends, repeat purchases and become advocates of the company on social media. The trust between brands and users is increasingly linked to security and data protection.

7. Diversity, inclusion and social responsibility

Diversity, social inclusion and social responsibility are part of younger consumers' DNA, especially Millennials and Generation Z, which now represents nearly 5 billion people.

According to a study by Adobre, 38% of shoppers say they are more likely to buy products and services from brands that demonstrate diversity in their ads, while 34% have boycotted a company or brand at least once because they did not feel represented in their ads or actions.

On the other hand, it is worth noting the growing attention to digital accessibility as a part of social inclusion. Currently, approximately 15% of the world's population has some type of disability, but many companies are still unprepared to cater to this audience segment.

  • According to a Click-Away Pound survey, 69% of respondents abandon websites due to lack of accessibility, and 86% report that they would spend more money on e-commerce platforms if they were accessible.

It is clear that diversity, equality and social inclusion are of great importance to new generations. In order to connect with audiences, brands must take these issues seriously and invest in digital accessibility. In addition to complying with the law, this allows them to differentiate themselves from their competitors and exceed consumer expectations.

8. Focus on sustainability

In 2023, sustainability is already a major concern for consumers, who are increasingly aware of the environmental impact of their purchases.

To remain competitive, companies must focus on sustainability, which may involve possible changes in their production processes, packaging and supply chains.

9. The rise of connected devices

The Internet of Things (IoT) continues to be a growing trend in 2023, with the introduction of more and more connected devices into the market.

Connected devices allow companies to collect valuable customer data that they can use to improve their products and services, their customer journey and, ultimately, their overall offer. This trend gives companies the ability to leverage this capability to gain a more complete view of who their customers are and what they prefer in order to deliver more personalized experiences.

10. Emphasis on convenience

En un mundo donde los consumidores tienen agendas cada vez más ocupadas, la comodidad se vuelve un factor crucial en sus decisiones de compra.

In a world where consumers have busier and busier schedules, convenience is becoming a crucial factor in their purchasing decisions.

Companies should ensure that their products and services are as convenient as possible for their customers, whether by offering flexible delivery options, providing intuitive mobile applications or creating easy-to-navigate websites.

Adapting to consumer needs and preferences in terms of convenience is already a priority for businesses in 2023.

What should companies do?
  • Discover the 30 major keys to adapt to the new consumer ecosystem in our free e-book:

Download e-book


In this context, it is critical that brands are able to establish a sincere connection with their audience, showing a true commitment to the security of their data, addressing issues of inclusion and diversity in the digital sphere, and offering quality content with incredible experiences for their consumers, no matter where they are located.

