Business transformation processes are designed to drive overall performance by increasing revenue, reducing operating costs, and improving customer satisfaction and employee productivity. We explore what business transformation is and how to make business transformation deliver value.
For years, the term 'business transformation' has been used to refer to the way in which organisations take a series of steps to realise their full potential.
Typically, companies used to approach business transformation processes by focusing first on improving financial performance and optimising organisational efficiency. Only when these objectives had been achieved did they begin to focus on growth, technology investment and the development of new business strategies.
However, this methodology places corporations in a stand-by situation where they are waiting for years to "earn the right to grow". In a market where change happens at a faster pace, this approach is no longer a skilful strategy, also at the financial level.
Companies can no longer wait for the best-case scenario to start a transformation process because, if the transformation is not started imminently, the best-case scenario will never happen:
In such a dynamic business environment, organisations must be committed to exploring new ways of working, leveraging new capabilities and harnessing the potential of new technologies.
However, transformation processes do not always go smoothly. According to McKinsey data, less than a third of transformations achieve their objectives and are reflected in improved performance.
Companies turn to business transformation processes because their leaders seek to activate unexploited potential or to increase profits, growth and efficiency.
Along these lines, the most successful business transformations address most value creation opportunities. However, it is also possible to drive business transformation processes focused on a specific area, for example, the adoption of agile working methods.
On the other hand, some organisations undertake business transformation processes to achieve a specific set of objectives or to address urgent external challenges (disruptive new market entrants), industry discontinuities (technology is changing consumer behaviour) or macro-economic pressures such as supply chain issues. Other companies simply do it to stay competitive and drive growth through transformation methodologies with broader strategic objectives.
Holistic or delimited, pretty much all business transformations are digital transformations and therefore ask for investments in new technologies and technological processes.
As mentioned above, business transformation processes can be cross-functional or focus on one or more of the following areas:
Any business transformation process must be driven by two key figures: the CEO and the CTO.
While senior management's role is crucial, a transformation process requires the involvement of many more people in the workforce, who play specific roles in the transformation process, such as leading workflows or being the manager of a particular initiative.
The most successful business transformation processes turn ideas into detailed business plans with monitoring parameters and timelines to measure results. Ultimately, these business plans must translate into value creation, cost savings and growth opportunities.
According to recent research, the business transformation processes that produce the most value have 3 key actions in common:
On the other hand, the execution phase of the business transformation process —embedding the transformation disciplines into the usual structures, processes and systems— plays a major role in value creation.
In terms of motivating employees to embrace change and strive to achieve the desired results, targeted financial incentives are among the most effective measures.
A well-designed non-financial incentive programme can also foster enthusiasm and boost employees' discretionary efforts.
Finally, speed is of the essence. The best financial performers typically realise 74% of the value of their business transformation processes in the first 12 months. In turn, that initial value can be reinvested in new initiatives, creating a continuous cycle of improvement.
The most common factors that can endanger a business transformation process are:
Nowadays, all business transformation processes involve digital transformation processes.
When undertaking a business transformation or digital transformation process, companies often need experts' guidance on how to approach the process and advice on what techonologies they need to achieve the desired results.
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