Microsoft Power BI is a set of business analytics applications that enables you to visually and interactively analyze and share data using dashboards.
Microsoft Power BI is a set of business analytics applications that enables you to visually and interactively analyze and share data using dashboards.
What Can You Do With Power BI?
- Transform data into stunning visual objects and share them with your peers on any device.
- Visually explore and analyze data, locally and in the cloud, all in one view.
- Collaborate on custom dashboards and interactive reports and share them.
- Distribute them throughout the organization with an integrated governance and security system.
Power BI is currently recognized by Forrester, Gartner and PCMAG.COM, among others, as one of the market leaders in its field.

At Bismart we have been implementing solutions with the technologies that resulted, in July 2015, in what we know today as Power BI.
Since then Power BI is present in our day to day life having acquired a great specialization and experience. Thanks to this, we are a Microsoft certified partner in Power BI.
In the development of Power BI solutions, we pay maximum attention to 3 pillars that make us unique:
- The quality of the data: If the data are not truthful and reliable all the efforts made in the development of Business Intelligence solutions will be in vain. Therefore, we dedicate all our efforts to ensure data quality and to help companies solve possible problems they may have in their source data.
- The data model: Data models are no longer for technicians. Now the business users can create their own reports and, therefore, it is key that the data models are simple and that the names of the entities and fields are easily understandable for the users and that they do not carry any type of confusion about their meaning and purpose. Failure to do so will make it difficult to meet users' expectations.
- The presentation of reports: We design reports taking care of all the details of their presentation with the objective of making them as attractive, interactive, simple and usable as possible. Always adapting to the style and corporate image of companies and advising on the use of the most appropriate visual objects. In addition, we try so that our reports have a thread of communication conductor (Storytelling)
Without forgetting that from a technical point of view its development is carried out following good practices for optimum performance and to facilitate maintenance tasks and evolution.
Our offer of Power BI services covers the different facets for optimum implementation:
- Advice on technical aspects, architecture and licensing.
- Implementation of analytical applications.
- Integration of Power BI as a presentation and analysis layer in Data Warehouse environments.
- Follow-up service for companies to facilitate the implementation of Power BI solutions internally and autonomously.
- Design of style guides for the presentation layer.
- Expert support for solution development.
- Training workshops with real customer data.