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Accelerate Your Business With Power BI | Bismart | Power BI Partner

Written by Núria Emilio | Nov 1, 2022 11:00:00 PM

How can companies use Power BI to accelerate their business? Power BI is one of the most powerful business intelligence solutions on the market. Discover how you can use Power BI to improve your performance and generate more business opportunities.

Microsoft Power BI is the leading business intelligence and business analytics solution on the market according to Gartner's Magic Quadrant. Power BI has many advantages and is useful for any type of business. Power BI visuals are high-performance and enable business users to understand their data in an ever-changing business environment and help them take advantage of competitive market conditions.

However, to maximize the potential of the tool, it is necessary to invest in the right training so that employees know how to use the tool and leverage it to maximize the value of the corporate data strategy.

Indeed, training is essential to maximize the use of Power BI. There are many options through which an organization can train its employees in Power BI

Training sessions and resources in business intelligence tools is paramount to ensure that the investment made in technology ends up delivering the expected results. Often, senior managers are reluctant to invest in training for their employees, but as the corporate environment is becoming more digitalized, training is becoming increasingly necessary.  

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Doing Business with Power BI: How to Get One Step Ahead
1. It Provides Support for Databases

Among others, one of the advantages of using Power BI is that it supports a large number of data sources. Neither the location of the data nor the structure of the data matters with this software. 

Power BI is compatible with most of the databases used by companies, thus reinforcing data integration within the organization. Some of the most popular databases it supports are Excel and Google Analytics. It even supports some of the newer databases such as Amazon Redshift. Companies in different industries can leverage these databases to manage their operations.

However, you need to know how to use Power BI software with your chosen database to drive results in your organization.

2. It Helps You Save Time and Resources

Companies often spend a lot of time on data analysis and data visualization. Business analytics requires technologies that help processors transform information into insights, and especially to streamline the process and save time. Power BI is one of the tools we can use to transform data into stories so that business users can analyze it in minutes and focus on more productive activities.

In addition, Power BI also includes cost-saving options

3. It Simplifies Analytical Processes

Another reason why Power BI is effective is that it makes analytic processes easier. Those working in IT know how challenging it’s to find the labor for data analysis and data science. Not finding people with the right skill set can lead to tasks getting delayed. With the introduction of Power BI, this is no longer the case.

You can use this tool to analyze rows of data one at a time. This data could be of missions of rows from the same data source.

4. It Allows You to Connect to Data Sources

Once your data analysis is complete, it's time to move on to other operations. You will need to connect to other data sources for your reports. After all, tools are of little use if the analyzed data is all over the place.

Power BI allows us to summarize all our analyses in a single report. Power BI incorporates DAX functions that make queries easier when we need to work with large amounts of data.

5. It Connects You to a Large Community

With Power BI, you can connect with many small communities. These communities make up a large Power BI community where you can discuss your issues. This is a community of business analytics users with common interests.

You can even choose to answer questions and request new features for your software. You can then discuss these features with fellow BI users.

6. It’s Easy to Use

Another reason Power BI is popular is that it is easy to use. Power BI allows the creation of dashboards quite easily. It is a useful software for both beginners and advanced users. Obviously, novice users require prior training to use the tool properly. 

7. It Allows Collaboration

We can use Power BI to improve collaboration in our operations. Many users can work on the same dashboard using this software. In doing so, they can create their reports simultaneously.

In addition, the cloud technology facilitates collaboration. You can share reports with stakeholders using this technology. They can even view these reports in their web browser using Power BI tools.

8. It Gives You Customization Options

Power BI is easy to customize, which is a great advantage. For example, in addition to Power BI's own visuals, users can create their own custom visuals and use them in the tool. 

9. It Promotes a Data-Driven Culture

Companies often choose Power BI because it promotes the development of a data-driven culture in the corporate environment, which, in turn, spreads business intelligence throughout the organization and helps employees make better business decisions. The seamless flow of data enables Power BI users to use reliable data to make data-driven decisions.

10. It Promotes Self-Service Analytics

Power BI is a self-service analytics environment that enables self-service analytics at no additional cost, while promoting data security. The self-service analytics feature allows you to ask questions in natural language. You can even extend your Excel data models to include Power BI reports. 

11. It Supports Big Data

Power BI allows you to extract important information from large amounts of data or Big Data using a fast but secure extraction method. 

This, in turn, allows the company to take timely actions to maintain its position. This software can analyze billions of data to provide you with useful information. 

12. It Can Embed Visuals Anywhere

A really useful aspect of Power BI is that it allows you to embed visuals anywhere. You can share your data visualizations on websites and applications and even on other portals, such as Sharepoint. Because of this, Power BI is considered widely versatile.
You can even embed interactive reports using Power BI tools such as Power BI REST APIs. Application developers can embed state-of-the-art reports and dashboards using Power BI tools. 

13. It Allows You to Use Microsoft AI

You can use the latest offering of Microsoft using Power BI. Microsoft’s AI tools allow you to prepare data and build machine learning and deep learning models. This allows you to find insights from all kinds of data. This includes types of structured and unstructured data.

Microsoft AI has many interesting capabilities that you can use for your operations. These capabilities include text analytics and imag


These facts about Power BI ought to convince you about how powerful it truly is. This business analytics tool has worked wonders for scores of organizations. With the right usage, there’s no reason it won’t do the same for you.